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Need Help Deciphering Instructions


New member
pictures in PKMN Album use framebuffer which is disabled by default. You will need to enable it to see what you are choosing. Go to (Advanced) Copy framebuffer to RDRAM on Jabo's D3D8 Video Config, but be warned the game will run slower, so disable every time you have finished with the album.

I'm not sure what they mean here I have tried to figure it out for two hours now it would be helpfull if anyone could help me decipher it


You can easily follow the instructions to enable the setting. I shall try to explain what they actually mean.
Enabling this option is the only way to see those pictures, BUT, when you enable it, the emulation SPEED will drop. In other words, your game will be slow. Therefore, you should disable this setting when you're finished with those pictures. Otherwise all games will be slow and that's hardly something you want, I assume.


New member
Yes i understand that what i dont understand is how in the world do i enable it *sighs* It makes no sence to me It would be nice to have someone explain how to enable the option so i can see my pictures.


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
Options --> Configure Graphics Plugin --> uncheck "Hide Advanced Settings". Click the Advanced tab, enabled "Copy Framebuffer to RDRAM".


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
If you are using Jabo's Direct3D8 graphics plugin, then the Copy Framebuffer to RDRAM IS there. If you are using any other graphics plugin, then the option isn't there.

Do not confuse Project64's settings menu Advanced tab with the graphics plugin's Advanced tab.
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New member
well here is a screen shot of what i have if it will help at all



New member
AH HA! I got it now thank you thank you *gives cookies and smiles* /\_/\ I'm a bit of a blond when it comes to tecnology XD
