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N64 Emulation on XBOX 360


New member

I was wondering if there are any N64 emulators (such a surreal, cobination of 3 I know) planned/ going to be released for the xbox 360?

I'm very interested in this, and also I feel a lot more must be possible in terms of running certain games with higher framerates etc.

Does anyone have any news on this?


Active member
1) the xbox 360 just came out
2) no dev kits have been made that i know of (there might be some i dont keep up in the scene)
3) porting emu's to overly expensive consoles isn't a priority of emulator developers
4) emulation development is a rather slow and complex process
5) xbox isn't everything end-all play-all super machine :p

the short answer: no, none yet.


New member
Thank you for your reply. I am well aware the xbox 360 has just come out, and isnt the be all and end all of consoles.

For me, after spending lots of time using emulators on my pc, it's actually very good to have the emulators available on the same platform as I play games (currently xbox); in short, I like to have many different platforms available on my console of choice.

For me it's important to know if emulator ports will continue for next generation consoles!

thank you!


Active member
Ports will likely continue to be done to current and future consoles though not every system will be ported. Sorry if the first reply seemed a bit harsh I'd had a touch to drink :p
