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my paper mario file has been deleted 3 times

super speed

New member
1.this has happened before i was planning on to play my paper mario file on project 64 1.7 and its been deleted strangely
2. also this is a first before i got to start my paper mario it says while processing grpahics data an exeption occured you may need to restart the emuator
i fixes that problem by holding the enter key for about 2 min until it went away and the game started at the tittle screen and i would like that fixed
I had the same thing happen as well, with some of the games that i was playing.

This has happened to me as well but with PKMN Stadium on PJ 1.6.
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The Great Gunblade Wielder
depending where you start it, how you start it, it might be dumping saves in virtualstore instead of the application folder.
