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MY computer SHOULD be able to manage it...


New member
Hello everyone :). First off Im sorry for another "My FPS is so looow"-thread but the others all had slow computers but it says that my should go great with it (Although thats only for the graphic card, I dont know how to check the rest) so I didnt feel that I fitted in to any of those posts and I didn't want to bump :).

Anyways my FPS is never over 5 and this is sorta bothering when trying to play Super Smash to say the least. Ive tried with all the different versions and its been working best with the first final version so far but its not more then 1 fps or so.

Is there any settings I should change or the likes?

(And It would be really nice if anyone could teach me how to check how fast my computer is and stuff like that)...

Thanks in advance.


New member
There's nothing wrong with your settings right now. This emulator isn't even close to finished or being anywhere near ready to be used to play games on at anything resembeling a decent speed.You're computer isn't good enough, nobodys computer is good enough.

If you actually want to play GC game you need to go out and buy a GC or a wii.


New member
Im wondering why there are so many different ways to ask the same question. You already apologized for the "why slow" question but you asked anyway... You even doesnt give us your pc specs! How we should help you in any way?
But i can understand you.... Everyone who gets new member on Emutalk want to ask why dolphin does work slowly!
Even i asked this stupit question on my first try (and got banned reasontly).
The key for answer is to lost lazyness and using the search tool!


New member
The alternative is they don't release it at all until it is sufficiently developed and computers are fast enough to run it at a playable frame-rate.

At the moment it is very W.I.P, and is actually enjoyed by a lot of people. It is not a substitute for the actual machine.

Consider it a nice interactive screenshot generator for you at the moment ;)


Well... Is it really playable at 5 fps?

Did we say it was designed for YOU to play games on your computer with your friends instead of sitting before the TV with a gamecube?
Today's computers are not enough to handle emulation of the GC, simply put.
