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MSN Messenger help!

MSN Messenger started giving me this error a few days ago, and I have been unsuccessful in finding any info on how to fix it. It's always worked perfect in the past, so i don't have any clue why this just happened all of a sudden. Anyone got any ideas? :(


the old guy
could be that the .net service was down. if it happens frequently then try to repair through the add /remove programs panel in windows. or remove it and redownload it and reinstall.
I thought it may have just been the .net service down at first, but its been 4 days now and it still hasn't gone away. I completely removed MSN (including regedit) and reinstalled the latest version, but still getting the same error.
Tried that update, but no luck. :doh: It says the patch is only neccesary for versions older than 5.0, and I'm using 6.2.


ph33r teh hammy!
You can check the status of the messanger service (though I know it's working, I'm on now)

And this is what else they said:

Why can't I connect to .NET Messenger Service?There could be several reasons why you are unable to sign into .NET Messenger Service.

Try the following:

If your Passport is not recognized, go to a Passport site (http://www.passport.com or http://www.hotmail.com) sign in, and make sure you are recognized there. If you are recognized there but still can't sign into .NET Messenger Service, the messaging servers could be temporarily down for maintenance or may have reached capacity due to heavy Internet traffic (during peak usage hours). Wait a short while, and then try again. You can check our server status page for the latest information on the service.

You may also want to:

Disable your 'auto-detect' settings on your browser. For Internet Explorer users, click the IE Tools menu, click Internet Options, click the Connections tab, click the LAN Settings button, and then clear the 'Automatically Detect Settings' box.
Check for a false proxy setting. On the MSN Messenger Tools menu, click Options. On the Connection tab, be sure the 'I use a proxy server' check box is clear. This option should only be selected if your network administrator tells you to do so.

If you are using ICS or Router for Home LAN, you may need to adjust some of your settings or update hardware/firmware drivers. For more information on this, search on LAN or Network in the MSN Messenger Help Topics from the MSN Messenger client.

Firewalls and third-party applications may also affect your ability to connect to MSN Messenger. To see if any of these applications are affecting your connectivity, you can disable the application(s) and then try to connect to the .Net Messenger service.


If you are behind a firewall or within a company local area network (LAN), MSN Messenger and other instant messaging programs could be blocked by the firewall or your company's security restrictions. Please contact your Network Administrator for assistance. For more information on what ports a Network Administrator should open for MSN Messenger to work, please see "Using MSN Messenger from Behind Firewalls or Network Address Translators (NATs)" found in Help (Help | Help Topics | All Topics). Make sure that in MSN Messenger under Tools | Options, the I use a proxy server check box is clear on the Connection tab. Only certain proxy servers require this, so unless you have been told to select this by your network administrator, do not do so.

Good luck.
- Modem
