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Mr floppy


Active member
<Fulgre> bought a silver floppy drive at 4am this morning bish :)
<bish> lol
<Martin64> lmao
<Fulgre> well....yer gorra aintcha
<bish> whats a floppy drive?
<Fulgre> a very very useful item
<L_Face> its what cobs gets after 8 ace
<Fulgre> 3 ace
<L_Face> nothing the blue pill cant cure
<L_Face> ooh ! ooh !
<Fulgre> i find 3 pints of water fixes it
<L_Face> buffy 7x21 being posted
<Fulgre> just a matter of rehydrating myself when i get in
<Martin64> I haven't used my floppy for ages
<bish> hu hu hu
<Fulgre> :)
<Fulgre> poor lad
* bish changes topic to 'BBQ on sat 17th all invited....bring meat ! | <Martin64> I haven't used mr floppy for ages'
