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Monkey 64 News (Nintendo 64 Emulator for the PSP)


DCEmu Webmaster
Category: <b>PSP</b><br><br>PSMonkey has posted some great news about the progression of his Nintendo 64 Emulator for the PSP, he decided to write a Nintendo 64 emulator from scratch to get a better emulator in the long run and now it looks like things are already starting to come along nicely, heres what he posted:

<blockquote>O M F GOD

God bless my gf and her taking over the pc for 20 mins. If not for her I would have not tested out all the PD roms I have on my PSP. Thanks to this I now have 2 count that, 2 brand new demos up and running. They are liners & 1964. Both would actualy progress furter if not for the lack of input/pif emulation.

Tomorrow I plan to test more PD roms and see if others work. At the moment everything else causes the psp to lock up somewhere (and roughly near each other). So hopefuly I can debug and fix this soon. Anyways great news & enjoy the screenshots (see comment section)!!!

P.S. The Framerate is around 5.0-7.4 fps. A vast improvement over the previous 1.8 fps i was getting on fire demo.</blockquote>

Check out the screenshots of this improving Nintendo 64 Emulator for the PSP on his site hosted by DCEmu/Emulation 64 Network here --> http://nemo.dcemu.co.uk

Great work, cant wait to play Mario 64 one day :)
