What's new

Mednafen 0.6.3 Released


Category: <b>Multi System</b><br><br>
SexyAL: Fixed buffer write memcpy() optimization to also check to make sure the input and output byte orders are the same.

PCE: Added setting "pce.forcemono" to force monophonic sound output.

Added setting "analogthreshold", which is the threshold for detecting a "button" press on analog axis, in percent. The default value is 75(%).

Worked around a very odd "bug" in gcc that involved muddling of local-scope structure definitions among different object files(the structure previously named "BPOINT" in both NES and PCE emulation code), which led to breakpoints with NES emulation being totally fubared.

Added graphics memory dumping capabilities to the debugger.

PCE, NES: Save states and powers/resets in debugger step mode SHOULD work properly now.

Fixed a potential deadlock when exiting.

Various debugger fixes. I lost the ChangeLog, sorry. -_-

:: Mednafen Official Site
:: Mednafen 0.6.3
