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MAMEP.EXE Command Line Help


New member
Hello there! I'm working on my media center, trying to set mame up to work with the front end I'm using, which requires me to use the command line version of the front end. However, whenever I try to run things via CMD, I always get errors stating that the roms in question are missing all of their files.

I know this is wrong, because if I go in through the MAMEPGUI and play it through Windows it works just fine. The roms are there, I just can't play them. The way I'm trying to run them is from the command line using:

D:\Applications\Games\MAME\mamep.exe <rom>
(i.e. D:\Applications\Games\MAME\mamep.exe 1941)

It will just make a list of every file in the zip, and claim that it's missing. They're not though. Anybody have any ideas why this might be?
