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Majora's mask questions


New member
I need some basic info on the whole "time" thing. if i play the song of time in a dungon will all my progress be lost or i can pick off at the last obstical i completed? Will the same thing happen to the pre dungon obsticals? (like the whole duke palace jumping thng before the woodland dungon.

WTB, the whole time thing is cool but extreamly trustrating when your in a dungon and theres bearly any time left (luckly im using an emulator cause i quck save the game alot cause there are some frustrating arrow or jumping puzzles)


talk to the scarecrow in the city and it teach you to slow the flow of the time... mmm... i remember that is the "song of time" inverted...


Active member
You get to keep dungeon items, songs you learn, heart containers/magic meter, masks and standard items when you go back to Day 1, but you lose all your rupees (unless banked), all your ammo for your items, stray fairies, dungeon puzzles reset, transformed areas turn back to their original state until you redefeat the boss etc.

You don't need to redo the Deku Palace if you completed that part and learned the Ocarina song (which opens the Woodfall Temple).

I simply play the Reverse Song of Time (Song of Time backwards) and complete the dungeons in a single attempt to stop me from replaying the same things over and over.


Sony battery
IIRC, you don't even have to talk to the scarecrow and officially learn the Inverted Song of Time - it just works as soon as you get your ocarina back and warp back through time the first time.


New member
Oh i know about the inverted song of time (and double time ;)), i was just wondering cause sometimes this game just puzzles you cant figure it out for a while (im trying not to use a walkthough) and in stonehead i was pressed for time, and same with some of the pre-dungeon tasks. thanks for the info.
