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Majora's Mask problem


New member
I've got a stupid problem with Majora's Mask. Every Time I use the Zora-Bumerang (by holding and releasing the B-Button), the game freezes. I don't really understand it because i used it a few times before without having any issues at all....
Has anybody an idea what i should do to solve that problem?? Somebody in this forum said that it would be impossible to convert my P64 savegame to e.g. a nemu savegame... is that right?

Thx in advance for your help!!!


Emutalk Member
sebus said:
I've got a stupid problem with Majora's Mask. Every Time I use the Zora-Bumerang (by holding and releasing the B-Button), the game freezes. I don't really understand it because i used it a few times before without having any issues at all....
Has anybody an idea what i should do to solve that problem?? Somebody in this forum said that it would be impossible to convert my P64 savegame to e.g. a nemu savegame... is that right?

Thx in advance for your help!!!

verify the rom, turn off any cheat codes, and load from a native save (read manual for what all this means).
it's possibly to convert the native save to nemu but that isn't likely to make your gameplay more reliable imho..


New member
First of thx for your help so far!
Check your rom iwith GoodN64 and make sure that it's good.
I just installed GoodN64 and used the the rename option. The Rom was moved and marked wirh an "!", so I guess it's ok?!

verify the rom, turn off any cheat codes, and load from a native save (read manual for what all this means).
I'm afraid, I didn't make any native saves (I didn't know that was possible).... But the rom was verified by goodN64 and I also didn't use any cheats at all...

I tried it one more time and now there's an error message displayed: "Executing from non mapped space. Verify ROM and ROM settings"...

So is there anything left I could try do do? Is using a different version of zelda-mm likely to help?
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sebus said:
First of thx for your help so far!
I'm afraid, I didn't make any native saves (I didn't know that was possible).... But the rom was verified by goodN64 and I also didn't use any cheats at all...

How did you NOT know it was possible? >_>


Emutalk Member
is it possible to play the game without making any native saves? it was a while ago i played MM, but i think when you run out of time you have to play the song to return to day1, and that saves.. does it not?
ZeldaMM has two native save slots, are they really both empty? i dont think any game would be designed to allow you to play for hours without saving..


New member
Ok, I'm a real noob, so please tell me HOW to load a native state. I always used F5/F7 to load/save.
I just found the option to enable the memory pak in controller setup screen, but I had it disabled... Was that stupid? :unsure:


Emutalk Member
sebus said:
Ok, I'm a real noob, so please tell me HOW to load a native state. I always used F5/F7 to load/save.
I just found the option to enable the memory pak in controller setup screen, but I had it disabled... Was that stupid? :unsure:

no, this game doesn't use the controller pak.
using F5/F7 always on the same slot (default slot) is your problem.. well the crash is an emu bug, but its a bad idea.
load through the GAME MENUS. like it was a REAL N64. have you ever used an N64? :p


New member
I actually do have a N64 and I also have a MM Cartridge but I sold my memory expansion (which is needed for MM) a long time ago... Bad mistake :(

I guess there is nothing I can do then. Thx a lot anyway for your help...


New member
Oh my god! How can a single person be that stupid...
There IS a savegame and it works perfectly. Please forget everything I said and thank you, thank you very very much !!!

Time to save the world now...
