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Majora's Mask BIG Problem

Manic Man

New member
For some odd reason (but this is for all emulators really) Majora's Mask (The Legend of Zelda: 6 if you did not know) has a major problem. using the 1964 i will not create a save file in game. it just kepts staying on 'Please wait' when i enter a name. If i import a save state or something to get it working from another emulator, i find that i have NO Health and can not save. I don't think it is a bad rom cause it used to work (but it crashed alot later in the game)... if it is a bad rom am in trouble cause i can't find another copy of it.. Any reason This game would not work on 1964?

Manic Man

New member
Erm.. well, i could not understand that program.. on the txt file it made all i had was this;

"b428d8a7 3ee3f2d1 tc-zelmm (L-33554432)|d6133ace 5afaa088 2cf214cf 88daba39 e266c078|22f8bfa1 ab6c7630 13a3c2a5 68bb0143 95b12499"

What the hell does that mean?

The Khan Artist

Warrior for God
Stick the ROM in the same folder as GoodN64, go to a command prompt and go the the GoodN64 folder, then type goodn64 -rename.

Qun Mang

nuqDaq 'oH puchpa''e'
The name it changes it to indicates whether or not it's a good ROM. If it doesn't rename it, or it renames it to something like "Legend of Zelda, The - Majora's Mask (U) [b1].rom" then you know you have a bad ROM. The b in [b1] stands for bad. You want your ROM to be named something like "Legend of Zelda, The - Majora's Mask (U) [!].rom" the exclamation point showing it to be a known good ROM.

Manic Man

New member

It has a [!] on it so it is okay.. Whoa.. it says my Eva one is bad... can't see that myself, it works fine... part from some small graphics problem with some of the images lining up but that is IT... anyway.. it is a good rom so that can't be the problem.

Also i forgot to say that all my Item's are the Ocarina of Time. Even the ones that you can collect more of (deku nuts etc) display as the Ocarina of time but it does have a 0 to say i have none...
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Emulator Developer
This sounds like an issue with flash memory saving. Make sure in the ROM properties, flash memory is selected... If you already have a game saved in progress, try renaming the saved file to something else and try the emulator again. If you get multiple ocarinas again, than you have a major problem with 1964 that no one can help you fix other than the authors.
