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From the Game FAQ (Englist to Spanish to English):

Why the menu take does so much a long time with the loading?
Subscreen the delay is an exit known with the core of Project64, it seems to take around 7 seconds with the loading (against approximately 2 seconds on initial N64). which you could employ F4 to invalidate the terminal speed and to reduce time (to approximately 4 seconds on Spéc. of minimum. The PC), or is patient! Some users record them do not have this problem or it goes far during the play. Moreover, the other play of Zelda is not affected.

Why does the menu take so long to load?
The subscreen delay is a known issue with the core of Project64, it seems to take around 7 seconds to load (vs. around 2 seconds on an original N64). You could use F4 to disable the speed limiter and reduce the time (to about 4 seconds on a minimum spec. PC), or be patient! Some users report they don't have this problem or it goes away during the game. Also, the other Zelda game isn't affected.


Want to install PJ64? (Same as above):

Note: Since version 1,2, PJ64 came in an individual extracting the file from zip fastener. Very that you must make must double the catch the file, to enter a path (for example " C:\Games\Project64 v1.3 ") and the pressure ENTER. All the files will be put in their correct secondary-shirts automatically. Moreover, because it is a standard file of format of ZIP FASTENER, it can still be open in WinZip, WinRAR or all other compatible software of compression of format of zip fastener, if you prefer to install manually or wish to seek the specific files of the files.

And an even more fun explantion (English to French to German to English):

Note: Since version 1,2 PJ64 came into an individual, who extracts the document of the zipper. Everything that you must make, must double the pawl the document, into a way to go in (for example " C:\Games\Project64 v1.3 ") and the printing GOES IN. All documents are placed automatically in their correct secondary school shirts. Additionally, because it is a standard format document of ZIPPER, it can be opened in WinZip, WinRAR or every other compatible software of the compression of the format of the zipper, if you prefer it to install or to require look the specific documents up of the files manually.
