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List any games you've recently bought

legend of zelda

Just another Zelda fan
star fox command any good? i have star fox for snes and n64, used to be two of my favorite games. if it's good, maybe i'll pick up a copy when i get my wii.


Leap of Faith
Picked up Metroid Fusion and Mario VS Donkey Kong today.

Also grabbed some super cheap $5 copies of SW: Jedi Academy, LoK: Defiance. and UT 2004.

Someday I may even play games again.


the old guy
just bought top secret episode and the mafat conspiracy for my nes off ebay for 5.99 for both . loved top secret episode, havent played mafat conspiracy yet but if its anything like its predecessor it should be good.

edit-just bought sonic spinball and jungle strike for genesis both together for 6. i think ive become addicting to (gulp) buying games.

edit again-forgot ecco tides of time and chuck rock for my sega cd.
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the old guy
just bought lunar the silver star for 28 complete on ebay. ouch. but believe it or not that was a great deal. most are going for anywhere from 40-90$. i think im done for a while.
