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Level geometry wishlist

i did a glance over the rules, so i hope i'm not breaking any rules here...

anyways, since i lack a Pixel Shading graphics card (damn old motherboard with no AGP or PCI express slot--but that's changed now! soon i will have one), i can't run the plugins to export level geometry. Apparently i need a card that can handle Pixel Shading (though why thats needed for n64 is beyond me).

anyways, my list of levels im hoping someone may have handy:

'Colors' >> Conker's Bad Fur Day
'Bunker' >> Conker's Bad Fur Day
'Fahrenheit' >> Duke Nukem 64
'Hotel Hell' >> Duke Nukem 64

now, im not quite sure if theres something that can extract geometry from Gamecube games (not to mention this is in the wrong section; but it's of secondary consideration to the N64 levels), but if there is:

'Turtle' >> Red Faction II
