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LemmyD3D8 ini - worth the time?


Harteex das Brot
Greetings everyone

I just thought I could give a go at creating an ini file again, it was a long time ago since I made the last ones...
When I use Nemu I'm mostly interested in Lemmy's plugin. It feels more right to use it with Nemu.

So what do you think? Is it worth the time to create an ini based on the results of Lemmy's plugin in Nemu?

I do intend to try different Compilermode values, and other ini options, and not just comments.


Leap of Faith
I'm no expert on these sorts of subjects, but it seems to me since the release of Nemu8 that no one has jumped in to say "WOW Lemmy's plugin is amazing". This leads me to think that Jabo, Rice, Ice, Gonetz, and others, have plugins that are still more advance. Any truth to this train of thought? I admit I have barley used Lemmy's plugin myself over others out there.
LazerTag said:
but it seems to me since the release of Nemu8 that no one has jumped in to say "WOW Lemmy's plugin is amazing".
We still need an updated lemd3d8combine.dat, so maybe we'll get that advance soon.


i had originally planned to finish off my straight WYSIWYG release but it became boring. it was just with lemmy's plugin, lac's audio.. but then federelli decided to completely mess up the system i had going and add other plugins or whatever.. oh well..

unless you plan on creating your own or working with lemmy's lemd3d8combine.dat and working on the debugger i dont see anything as much of a great advancement ;) but feel free to try.

in a few previous thread he posted some docs so maybe you can find some help there but it's over my head.


Harteex das Brot
Thanks for your answers!

I read the doc that he posted, but I'm too stupid to understand it ;)
Maybe I'll understand it better if I give more time for it.

Well, I might join Federelli then...
