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Keyboard Issues with Dolphin (please help!)


New member
I downloaded Dolphin so I could play Sonic Adventure Battle 2 on my computer, but I'm having some troubles.

I want to play it with a keyboard, and I went to the plugins, selected PadSimple and tried to play the game...but...it didn't work?

The keys don't work. I have a screen ingame asking me if I want to format the disk, chose yes or no. But I can't scroll up/down or choose one, because the keyboard doesn't do anything.

Help? I've been trying to fix this all morning I am seriously frustrated. :(

I tried other emulators, no luck. I tried to download a dreamcast emulator, and that didn't seem to work either.

p.s, please don't tell me to buy a joystick/pad


New member
Why exactly don't you want to buy a joypad? It really isn't worth it playing with a keyboard and it costs like nothing for a reasonable joypad.

But have you tried mapping the keys yet with the plugin configuration?
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New member
I hate joypads, I want to use a keyboard. How is it not worth using a keyboard?

Can you help me with my problem?


New member
I gave you some help, you firstly need to map keys using the plugin configuration.

But the keyboard doesn't emulate analogue control properly, and Gamecube games are made specifically to take advantage of a dual analogue configuration. Using a keyboard is crippling compared to a real joypad just because of the way the games are designed. You'll find that with any console emulator.

I tried playing it with the keyboard for a while. It just doesn't work. Plus a joypad is nice with the PC, you can sit back and forget about which button to press. There is a difference between a PC game and a console game.
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New member
Oh, did I miss that or did you add it in later? lol sorry xD

What excatly do you mean by mapping keys? I have the screen up with all the keys on, and I selected each one and typed the key in. Is this what I do? Cos it's still not working.

New to this, sorry.


New member
Ohhh. That's probably the case. I thought I had the latest version because I downloaded it from the Dolphin site.

But I have annother problem! :(

I downloded the top one, and tried to click DolphinWx.exe and it said it's not a valid Win32 application...? What's that about?

TY for your help btw :flowers:
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New member
pleased to help.

It's because you downloaded the X64 version right? It's for 64 bit operating systems. Download the X86 version.


New member

I downloaded x84 version, and when I click on this new exe, I just get a box saying "DolphinWx.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. Were sorry for the inconvience" everytime!

What now!? :(


Voted Least Likely to Succeed
Update your DirectX to the latest 2008 redistributable. Does anyone have a link to that?


New member
Well you aren't going to get very far with that processor. Does it even support SSE2? You are in need of a PC upgrade.
