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Jabo or Zilmar maybe smiff



New member
Hello i found out that when antialiasing is turned on it causes some games to crash.... try to play DKR mutli with it turned on it will crash your system.. i have a Geforce 3 with the latest drivers..
When I turn it off the multiplayer works fine?? same with mario pary series.. anyone else having this problem.. kinda a shame..


This option...
I know that on my card, I can use the middle option of anti-aliasing. That is the option that turns it on I think.
The one at the bottom, I can't use. I think it's that one that makes the anti-aliasing go to full power.
Which option are u talking about? ???
I will test.


New member
Sorry, what I mean is if you have antialiasing turned on the multiplayer will crash.. and Mario Party Mini games will crash as well.... Please confirm...


I don't think I have encountered that problem. I have had antialiasing enabled even when I didn't know what it was :D
Anyway, I will test this weekend.
