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Jabo 1.5!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Can someone send me jabo 1.5 Direct3D plugin...cause im not sure if i have it....my email is: [email protected]
and dont tell me to download pj64 1.5 just do me a favor and send it to me plz...!


professional pessimist
I guess I know what your problem is..you put jabo 1.5 in the 1964 plugin folder but cannot choose it in the settings, right?
If that is your problem you have to put the file msvcr70.dll from the p64 folder in the 1964 folder


New member
From the PJ64 online FAQ:

Can I distribute the Project64 plugins standalone?
No, as above. We want users to receive the complete package, it's better for everyone that way.

I don't know if email counts as "distribution," but it makes it easier for me to say...

Just download PJ64 if you want a particular plugin. It's a heck of a lot faster then waiting for an email anyway.
