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Ive heard if it going slow, but this?

I don't recommend PJ64 running on that system, especially beacause it only has got 56 mb ram. I think you should try other emulators like 1964 or ultrahle 2064, but PJ64 is your choice. Okay, ontopic. PJ64 1.5 final is a little slower than beta, that's known. How much fps did you have in the beta-version?

Edit: my post was before the one from MisterFriday, but there is a timing-problem again, so the posts might be in the wrong order.
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Dragony thingy
OK, this just made the 'failed to allocate memory' bug even more pathetic. What the fuck. This guy has less than 100MB physical RAM and can run it fine.


Your graphics card is also not that good for n64 emulation purposes as is to your ram.
