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Is OpenGL generally slower than D3D or Glide?


Emulator Developer
I worked with a friend of mine who wanted to rewrite the Unreal Tournament Direct3D driver (years ago), I took a look at it, it's texture caching is pretty oddly implemented, that's probably the primary reason Glide might outperform it so much.. Epic also wasn't the one who coded the driver so you can't blame them.

In comparing OpenGL and Direct3D, OpenGL gives the IHV more flexibility to implement optimizations specific to hardware, since the back-bone isn't controlled by microsoft files, it makes the path between the API and the hardware shorter. I'm not sure what that would mean to you guys tho, both are highly researched and optimized libraries at companies like nvidia and ati.


Triforce of Something...
And a programable graphics Chip could improve the perfomance? Which chip? That new from 3DLabs. I believe that it's code # is P10 or something (With the 10, i'm sure of that).


PJ64 Lubba
neoak, please take the SSB:M pic oult of ur sig.It is nice (really it is), but it is killing us 56kers :(
