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At your service, dood!
I dunno, its up to you - but if you get a new graphics card XP will benefit from it as well. btw if anyone is using vista make sure you grab the 6.0 beta build of java so your glass aero effects aren't turned off automatically i.e. in Azureus and limewire or general java apps on websites.

Edit: Not much to report but I can play sonic heroes on vista perfectly (asides from the minor glitch the mouse not hiding but I can put it in the corner - pretty compatible os)
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Vista is so beauty, and now it's getting functional... damn man, I wish I had broadband and a better card. :(


At your service, dood!
I can't even remember what this thread was originally about now because its totally twisted and now its just about Vista and other things, oh well.

Grab Firefox 2.0 beta now, it rocks... btw adblock doesn't work out of the box, grab the xpi file and rename it to zip... extract install.rdf and edit the maxversion under the firefox heading with wordpad or something and readd the file to the zip then rename it back to xpi and drag and drop to firefox.


News to me. I don't see why it didn't appear on the unofficial Vista blog I'm watching. But it does appear on the official one. Anyway, I'll be grabbing it right away.'
@Miretank: You don't neen a top of the notch GFX card to use Vista. You only need a PS2.0 card to use Aero.


New member
Doomulation said:
News to me. I don't see why it didn't appear on the unofficial Vista blog I'm watching. But it does appear on the official one. Anyway, I'll be grabbing it right away.'

You mind sharing the link ?

EDIT: had another Vista question but found the new Vista thread :)


5552 is not publicly available. We do not share warez here. Wait for RC1 or find one on your own. Sorry.
