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Is 1964 still in development?


New member
I realize that for some emulators they go huge gaps without updates, but the 1964 team hasn't said anything, to my knowledge, about whether or not the project is still active. So is it still being developed?


Zelda Gamer
rprsplitter9 said:
I realize that for some emulators they go huge gaps without updates, but the 1964 team hasn't said anything, to my knowledge, about whether or not the project is still active. So is it still being developed?
I think they has stopped updating the last update was 1 January 2004:(


maximius said:
To my knowledge, Rice is one of the developers for 1964, and last he was active was sometime December 2005. I wouldn't consider it dead personally, it could be the same thing that happened between Project64 1.5 and 1.6. Maybe.


See http://www.emutalk.net/showthread.php?p=296796#post296796

One year..
One of Rice's last posts was last summerish. He responded to further questions about development of his plugin by saying he would be able to work on it "next year," meaning 2006. So take what you want from that. While 1964 was what I used for many, many years, I recently switched over to Mupen64, because, in my opinion, it has accomplished what 1964 did: a stable, GPL'ed N64 emulator. What I think would be awesome is if Rice and Hacktarux merged their emulators.
