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Internet connection with PS2


New member
Alright this question comes from my friends boss, is it possible to hook up a wireless router to a PS2 and be able to get online? I wanna say no because with a wireless router dont you have to search for a signal and with it hooked up to the PS2 you wouldnt be able to. i dont know if the router will be connected to a home PC or he's gonna "search and borrow" a signal from a friend or something.......

General Plot

Britchie Crazy
As long as there's an active internet connection to the router that is hard-wired to it(DSL, cable, etc...), and if the PS2 is also hard-wired to it, then yes, it's very possible. I network my PS2 that way all the time.;)


New member
hellfire021 said:
Alright this question comes from my friends boss, is it possible to hook up a wireless router to a PS2 and be able to get online? I wanna say no because with a wireless router dont you have to search for a signal and with it hooked up to the PS2 you wouldnt be able to. i dont know if the router will be connected to a home PC or he's gonna "search and borrow" a signal from a friend or something.......

I don't know much about them, but I believe the router does that for you. I think whatever device is connected would see the router as a normal ethernet connection as long as it's connected by wire to the router.
