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Insults in CBFD?


The Xpaniard
I don't need to translate anything from spanish to english, so I don't mind about those programs (I used them long ago, thougth)


New member
Anchel said:
2fast4u, everything I say in spanish is also translated into english, 'cos that guy "ElGatoAzul" told me long ago that he doesn't speak english really well.

a little touchy, arent we?


New member
Spanish is hard i tried learning it but failed hell quickly :) well i aint tryin again i dont even remember a word from it hehehehehe


Triforce of Something...
Why all that talk about me?

Err... My First language is Spanish. Besides, my english is not very, should you say, complete in vocabulary.

Me gusta hablar mas español que ingles. Con el ingles a veces me quedo a mitad de camino, aunque nunca uso ni usare un traductor que no sea humano. Mi idioma natal es el Español (¿o deberia decir Castellano?), solo que nunca lo habia usado en el foro. Creo que hay muchos hispanohablantes en el foro. Por cierto, yo soy latinoamericano, no Español.


New member
2fast4u, everything I say in spanish is also translated into english, 'cos that guy "ElGatoAzul" told me long ago that he doesn't speak english really well.

My English isn't perfect but i can understand it pretty well! Thanks anyway Anchel but i don't need the translations. :D (excuse me if it sounds rude, i'm spanish and my english is poor. XDDDDD)
Mi Ingles no es perfecto pero puedo entenderlo muy bien. Gracias de todos modos Anchel pero no necesito las traducciones. (perdona si te suena maleducado, soy español y mi ingles es pobre. XDDDD)

Anyway, this is a good exercice to practice the english tongue!:D


The Xpaniard
So after all, I'll have to change my avatar that says "the spanish member", for I'm not "THE" only one. And I was thinking that I was! :D After ElGatoAzul, I saw Codex (wich I thought was american) and then you, neoak, happen to speak spanish. I feel weird...


Triforce of Something...
Yeap. We never use spanish on the forum (kinda of "ilegal"). But i made the PJ64 Translation to Spanish.

By the way Anchel, those aren't avatars from "GameBoy Land"? (If are, Send my regards to Mark.)


The Xpaniard
Yes they are (look at yours in my list)
You got that one from GBLand too? If yes, did MarK allow you to freely use them?


Triforce of Something...
I don't know. I didn't ask him, because he never told me that those cool avatars are only for his forums.

Besides, he would have told me long ago because i know him from long time ago.


i barelyo speako spanisho, thiso iso whato i learnedo fromo takingo spanisho foro threeo yearso backo ino higho schoolo.


I barely speak spanish, this is what i learned from taking spanish for three years back in high school.



New member
i barelyo speako spanisho, thiso iso whato i learnedo fromo takingo spanisho foro threeo yearso backo ino higho schoolo


I studié le frenche for twooé years iné highé shoolé. I thinké i speaké le frenché very wellé...


The Xpaniard
Yo hablo español perfectamente, por ser mi idioma natal.
I speak english nearly perfect as my second language, and I learned it by making exchanges in Ireland and going to summer camps in the USA.
Je parle un peu de francais. Je été etudié francais au l'ecole.


This thread has gotten Waaaaayyyyyyy off topid...
The original topic was:
<b>Insults in CBFD?</b>
I'm playing Conker's Bad Fury Day with the U version rom, but all the insults are censored! Is the Europe version uncensored?
I REALLY LOVE this game ( the best N64 game imo) but playing it without insults left me a bittersweet taste....

please, don't respond me to download and try it, i'm on 56kb/s.
