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If you like diablo II you just might love this


Destoryer of worlds
FInally (had to edit this) a game with what i had i mind for an RPG lol

finally a company that knows whats fun, combing good ol twitch play with diablo rpg elements, this game sounds very very promising am looking for the demo right now. Its going to be for pc.. in any case check it out.

" We dig in more details about combat mode, you could control the player character's attack with both keyboard and mouse, for instance, you have almost a dozen types of special Kung Fu skills each character. When you meet enemies, what you could do will not merely mouse-click the target then wait for the result leaving your smart brain idle. How good your attack strategy depends on the experience and adeptness of fight. To properly dodge, jump to hit in the enemies' attack interval or block the attack to occur short time body rigidity of the attacker will absolutely bring you more excitement and satisfaction than any other ARPGs " - now where talkin!!
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