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I need a free webpage hosting service to post some 1964 screenshots


New member
I need a free webpage hosting service to post some 1964 screenshots

there are many webpage services but none accepts linking of images.

i was using one called galeon.com but today i received a shutdown email telling me that i used the space as a virtual hard disk space and not as a webpage, too bad because it was free and accepted direct linking of images and i could upload zip files too.

anyone knows any good one? with linking and free?


Member ready to help
well for galeon try this: create an web page caller index.htm,put some stuff and thats all.
Or try in terra


Nintendo Zealot

Both are free, but Walagata requires registration and takes a bit more time, but it's a personal account. Imageshack is easy, just go there, upload the pic (750kb per file max, but you can up as many as you want), and link to it. :)



Listen! I've never thought to even think about DCemulation before. EXCUSE ME! All I knew about was icarus. sorry. I always thought that this kind of emulation was never gonna happen, so I never bothered to look up any info.


jessman1988 said:
Also, I could never figure out what rofl meant. Would you mind telling me about that too while laughing at me?

i am too, haha :) sorry but you use this forum and you have only just noticed :D

heh, well enjoy it mate, tis a great emulator
