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I got a good smilie.


New member
alexa999 said:
I just like image editing.:plain: So why not contribute to this site and if the smilie gets added I will tell everybody and I will get appreshiaded by a bunch of people.:)
I suspected as much. :rolleyes:


New member
this so fits ..



New member
I got to looking at the second smilie with the finger...you have the on the wrong side. Also, make the thumb a tad smaller, and see what it looks like.



PJ64k Support Team
Again, you decided to make possibly one relevant post into one relevant post and one useless post. Why oh why? And there are enough smilies, if you want to make more, then just attach the image everytime you want it. Its probably a lot of work for martin to go and set up the server for a smilie that almost noone will use.

CpU MasteR

omg h4x
alexa999 said:
I just like image editing.:plain: So why not contribute to this site and if the smilie gets added I will tell everybody and I will get appreshiaded by a bunch of people.:)

I think by some of the reposonses that some users have made, I and everyone think this is getting quite retarded :getlost:

Now if you like Image editing (Ripping off other peoples work and making it something else for credit) thats fine, but keep it to yourself :doh:

You are just edting smiles that already exist on this board, why do we need another 100 of the same ones?
My95ZR2 said:
I got to looking at the second smilie with the finger...you have the on the wrong side. Also, make the thumb a tad smaller, and see what it looks like.


Yeah, the fingers on that smile are wrong... :getlost:
