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I can't win, you know


New member
So, I'll probably be getting my replacement PStwo today.

And, just sitting here, I said aloud to my wife about how I was thinking perhaps I could hook up my old PS2 to my computer, so I can play games while she's watching tv and stuff.

Bad move on my part: she gets all pissy about my having another "toy" in our computer room, blah blah.

I'd like to chalk it up to "That Time of the Month" (which it is), but she's like this all the time about my getting stuff for my pc. :(


Active member
So every time she buys makeup or bath stuff bitch her out that there's too much of that all over the place in the bathroom already :p

(warning: i take no responsibility for the damages if you do that)


sethmcdoogle said:
So every time she buys makeup or bath stuff bitch her out that there's too much of that all over the place in the bathroom already :p

(warning: i take no responsibility for the damages if you do that)

No sex for him for a long time if he takes your advice :p


aka Alshain
Wow, I don't know what your marital problem and your wife's period have to do with TechTalk so I'm just gonna move this... somewhere.


To solve this problem, I bought my girlfriend The Sims 2, which she will happily play on whilst I'm on the Xbox.

For some reason, women hate games, apart from the one where you control people's lives. Funny that, eh? ;)


New member
Actually, I put it in tech talk because I wanted to come back on and delight in the joys of having a PS2 that will actually boot quickly and all that.

i'm quickly convinced that the PStwo is one of the slickest pieces of hardware ever designed & built. Two dvd cases thick? Amazing, really. :)

Btw, aprentice, I'm married, so the whole 'no sex for a long time' thing, would that even need to apply? ;)


Errr, what? Slick piece of hardware, the pstwo? You have got to be kidding me.
It's much better than the original ps2, save that it can't have a harddrive, but it's the same stupid machine. What else can it be? =/


New member
Doomulation, I love the way you attack peoples opinions so....

The PS2 is a pretty slick piece of hardware, albeit it is of course, as technology often is dated by now. The size of the new version is remarkable. Yes, the lack of HD connectability is a pain, but to make up for that you get the Network adaptor built in. And well they're what 2 games or something for the HD? Wow.... oh yeah and a plethora of pirate related opportunities, stupid Sony eh.

If I posted the N64 was a slick piece of hardware, I would not neccessarily be indicating it is direct polygon v polygon relative to latest hardware. Think outside of the box laddo.


Can't help how I am ^^"
I still don't concider it "slick." There are lots of other things out there that are "slicker" than the pstwo. Aren't there any games that requires the HDD? I'm not sure, but didn't FF11 require one to work? Just wondering.

If I posted the N64 was a slick piece of hardware, I would not neccessarily be indicating it is direct polygon v polygon relative to latest hardware.
I don't care about the processing power, but even when sony actually made a new version of the ps2, couldn't they enhance it a little?


Dragony thingy
PS2 had a messed up design to begin with, but it did have a very advanced MPU for its time... and the EE is still pretty advanced today, even if it is a little bitch from a coder's POV.


New member
Doomulation said:
Can't help how I am ^^"
I still don't concider it "slick." There are lots of other things out there that are "slicker" than the pstwo.

Well, I did say "one of" the slickest.

But yes, Trotter atleast seemed to understand what I was getting at. :)

For the size and capabilities, the PStwo can do a lot. And I've always felt, for all the advances of technology, that the newer console machines were too big and bulky.

No hard drive? Well, I don't have FFXI to begin with, so no problem.

I don't care about the processing power, but even when sony actually made a new version of the ps2, couldn't they enhance it a little?

Well, I'm no tech expert, so I can only wonder if the problems of enhancement directly relate to making sure all the PS2 (and PSX) games will still play on it, and you can only do so much without screwing things up.
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