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How can I play zelda wind waker on dolphin?


New member
Hy guys.. Please! I downloaded the Dolphin and I have a great computer. Now, I want to play Zelda Wind Waker in it, but I can't find the rom. How can I play it like in the screenshots?


New member
Yo can't ask for roms here.

Also, you can't play wind waker on dolphin. You can load it and it will run really slow maybe 5fps, if you can handle that you also can't save and once you get the telescope it crashes.

So if you want to play wind waker right now you need a gamecube.


New member
1) Read the rules. It clearly says you can't request ROMs or ISOs.
2) The Gamecube doesn't have ROMs, but ISOs. ROMs are used by systems that run from a cartridge. ISOs are used by systems that use CDs or DVD's.
3) Dolphin isn't able to run any game at full speed now. If you want to play this game, go buy it with a Gamecube.


New member
Actually Guru64 roms and ISO's are essentially exactly the same thing.

If you want to get technical an ISO is actually a file type, which was originally used to make images of cd's. Of course since then it's been expanded to just mean a image of pretty much anything, be it a CD or DVD. Even though it is technically just one image format. Much like how people refer to zipping things instead of compression things when they use alternative formats like rar.

ROM on the other hand is defined as and I quote "ROM images (or ROMs, for short) is used in the context of emulation for a binary file which contains graphics, sounds, and program code. ROM images are usually created so that the software can be run on computer hardware different from the one the software was originally designed for, using emulator software. "

Which means as long as it's a binary file an ISO is just as much a rom as anything else.
