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'how bout a progress update?


I know we're not supposed to bug the betatesters, but nobody's said anything for awhile. So how's the beta going? Getting all the bugs out yet? Are all the big games running perfectly? How 'bout the 4 player modes on perfect dark and mario kart?


Lord of the Cats
A few quick notes.

This is not a static beta process. We don't have a "final product" that we are testing in an effort to get it out the door. The feature set is pretty well locked, but they are still coding on some things. This means that there will be no real progress report until such time as there is a "final product" to finalize and hand out to the GP. Note that I specifically stated that the feature set is pretty well locked. This means that suggesting Rice and Schibo add the ability for it to blend you margaritas is probably not going to happen, though it would be amusing.

Netplay is... going. It's a long process to get it working to the level we would like, so don't expect any news on this for a while.

4 player modes for PD and Mario Kart, not sure, I don't have 4 controllers to test it with. I'm going to try to get some people together and get that going pretty soon, but I'll have to wait to update that until then.

There have been new betas released to the testers since the posts in the screenshots thread, I'll try to post some new shots in the next couple days.

Note that I am not a coder, nor do these views necessarily represent the views of the coders for the product which I am beta testing.
Love, Luck, and Lollipops, everyone.
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lord freiza
i would expect it to be more than a month even if you were to see a release,but who knows,there have been new betas released and rice's daedalus has also been updated,so far his plugin works great and even doesn't have that slow down in betwen levels in starfox64:).


Member ready to help
Great news! :D

One question: the frame buffer emulation,it´s in a good progress?,it has good quality and speed (like gl n64)?,or it´s fast,but the quality it´s poor?


gandalf said:
Great news! :D

One question: the frame buffer emulation,it´s in a good progress?,it has good quality and speed (like gl n64)?,or it´s fast,but the quality it´s poor?

my guess is thanksgiving like they did another time... :)

just a guess....


lord freiza
panda i would doubt a release for thanksgiving but it's just better not to guess and try to figure out when it will be released,testing is still going on and more bugs are being picked up but also being squashed.


Lord of the Cats
Apparently, the framebuffer in the n64 is a marvelous piece of technology, specialized to 1 purpose, and it's lightning fast. It would take my entire xp2100 to do everything the framebuffer did via emulation, meaning there's no cpu time to emulate the game.


Lord of the Cats
Here's an update you might like to hear....

Netplay appears to be working with some reliability now. It does support sound, and is actually fairly fast. It works best over a LAN, of course, but even non-lan, it's pretty quick. He's posted screenshots, taken on his PIII - 500, in the screenshots forum. I'll be trying to do the same tonight, after I get back from evil. I mean work.
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Christmas would be AWSOME!!! Especially 'cause there's no other worthwhile games coming out for christmas. If the next version of 1964 is as good as people are saying, and there's a christmas release, then I'll have a very merry christmas playing n64 games!


man, i'm gonna die before this release comes out.

literally: i just had my appendix removed.

let me tell you all, skip appendicitus (sp?) if you can. it sucks ass.


Lord of the Cats
yeah, it sucks, I had to have my appendix removed too, I was up and about in 3 days though. ;)


karth95 said:
yeah, it sucks, I had to have my appendix removed too, I was up and about in 3 days though. ;)

yeah, i'm *sorta* up and about, but i can't really DO anything but type and play games....

....wait a minute!!!!!! this is GREAT!


Maybe if we're reeeeaaaaallllly nice they'll give us the latest beta (the one before the newest one.). Or maybe that's just wishful thinking. But I'm wishin hard, alright?


The Great One
Not going to happen, well I figured by now that it would be out, thinking bugs wouldnt take that long. I guess that it takes longer than I think it does. Then again Ill probably never beta test in my life, so I wont ever know.

EDIT: how about those plugins?. Are the plugins coming out good these days (IE Rice's Plugin, and Schibo's audio)?
