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Hikaru, The Latest System to be Added to Demul


New member
Now before somebody says, for godsakes i wish they would get the systems they have already got, working! Here's the latest Demul News:

The team have been working on adding Hikaru to Demul


According to System16.com Hikaru was made after Naomi, was totally custom and very expensive to produce, it was only really designed for one game (Brave Fire Fighters) as it could do complex fire/water graphics. (In the end they made 6) It was dropped in favour of the much cheaper Naomi 2.

The games are Brave Fire Fighters, Air Trix, Cyber Troopers Virtual On 4, Nascar Racing, Planet Harriers and Star Wars Racer Arcade.

As some may know Stefano Teso anounced he was developing a new emulator called Valkyrie, back in april. Judging by the screenshots the demul guys are a bit furher on.
