What's new

GP2X Mess v0.9 (Multi Supporting System Emulator for GP2X


DCEmu Webmaster
Category: <b>GP2X</b><br><br>Telengard has updated the MESS port to GP2X, heres whats new:

02/11/06 - 0.9-beta
* Re-enabled timer w/ HW accel SDL. The issue seems to be fixed now.
* Added .gpe launchers for apple2, apple2e, and apple2c.
* Fixed virtual keyboard refresh issue by blitting the black rectangle twice, once for each surface (double buffered).
* Added new font for the initial cart menu
* Added libfreetype lib to list of libraries used for linking
* Added a routine to convert from an int color to a SDL_Color
* Modified text routines to use appropriate calls for determining font width and height
* Added SDL_ttf lib to list of libraries used for linking
* Removed targa.c from gp2xmess, replaced by sdl_ttf
* Removed previous font handling routines
* Added fields for font name and font size and changed font surface to TTF_Font
* Added routines for loading/unloading ttf fonts.
* Removed SDL_INIT_TIMER from SDL_Init call since it locks up the gp2x using the HW accel SDL. This means that scrolling in the initial cart dialog is yet again not working. :)
* Got the apple2 screen centered and looking good. Had to go to an even multiple of 320x240 to get a good looking display. The gp2xmess menu rect is missing the left side, but it still looks good.
* Changes to support HW accel SDL on gp2x target

