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Goldeneye opening too fast


Reap, Slay, Devastate.
I'm using PJ64 1.6, and Rice's video plugin 5.5.1.

When I start up Goldeneye, the "sniper scope" section of the opening moves too fast.

Also, the Goldeneye logo right after it doesn't display right.

I have "Limit FPS" turned on.

The rest of the opening is fine.


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
Have you tried with Rice's video plugin 6.1.1. Beta 10? Keep your plugins up to date unless you have a good reason not to do so.


Reap, Slay, Devastate.
I tried it with 6.1.1 beta 10, and it still runs too fast. The logo display problem was fixed though.

It appears to cause the opening to end about 5 seconds too soon.

I'll try and get a video of it.


Reap, Slay, Devastate.
I forgot about this. Hehe.

I wasn't able to get a vid with FRAPS. My system can't seem to take running both at the same time. But there's really no need for a vid. Just imagine Bond walking across the screen about twice as fast as normal.

It also happens with Jabo's Direct3D8 1.6.


The decent one
I'm not at home now, so I can't be wrong, but maybe the "sync audio to game" option in Jabos sound plugin fixes this.
