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God - Not this question AGAIN!

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"Bored now." @ crhylove
(Coming soon - "Quoting Buffy Makes Board Life Easy", the great new book from Stalkid64, intended as a companion to "Debating For Dummies" and "The Complete Idiot's Guide To Quoting Buffy".)


if you lack compation for the rich i don't care less..

lack compassion for the rich? not at all. i have compassion to some extent for all living beings including stallin/hitler and many others who most "compassionate conservatives" would just as soon fry in an electric chair.

however, showing compassion for a corporation, and a currupt monopolistic ILLEGAL one, at that, much less playing fair by buying their product, when clearly THEY are not playing fair in their production of that product, that's not compassionate, that's just stupid business.

"was always bored" @ stalkid.

however i rather enjoyed the debate with rattrap. good luck with the move/life/business rattrap. and thnx 4 your work in uhle 2.0, et al.

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