What's new

GlideHQ update 3 Released


Category: <b>Nintendo 64</b><br><br>
- Fixed crash in Zelda OOT
- Fixed an issue with alpha channel of hires textures, which become apparent as a black boarder around texture. Added new option, related to this issue: Use alpha channel fully. When this option is off, 16bit rgba textures will be loaded using RiceVideo style – with 1bit for alpha channel. When it is on, GlideHQ will check, how alpha channel is used by the hires texture, and select most appropriate format for it. This gives texture designers freedom to play with alpha, as they need, regardless of format of original N64 texture. For older and badly designed texture packs it can cause unwanted black boarders. Default value: Off.

:: GlideHQ Release Thread
:: GlideHQ update 3
