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Glide64 quetion...



Catewauler online:

recently i used glide64 v 0.5 on my PC and it rocks, all the N64 games looks great, but it´s a little bit slow...

The main question is:

Is there a way to recompile the source code to make it work with directx as jabo´s plugin or Rice´s plugin to make it faster?

Thanks in advance...

Linux Rocks!!!! :bouncy:


J'aime tes seins
it is impossible because Glide64 doesnt use the same 3D API as Jabo's and Rice's plugins


Dragony thingy
You'd need almost a full rewrite to make it work with OGL or DX. You have NO IDEA how much work that takes... just look how large eVoodoo is.


New member
You'd need almost a full rewrite to make it work with OGL or DX. You have NO IDEA how much work that takes... just look how large eVoodoo is.
AFAIK, the DirectX renderer of the X engine (the UHLE 2064 graphic plugin) has been done that way, integrating tightly eVoodoo and the original glide code... There are eVoodoo error messages left here and there, and the output of the Glide/D3D part of the plugin is identical. Ogl differs, though.


Then is possible...

Catewauler online:

ok, let me understand, then is possible?...

if that´s right...who knows the answer?, where i find him (her, i don´t care)?...

Thanks for your post...
