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General info request regarding ISOs


New member

Newb here to Chankast (which is awsome btw...)

I have a question regarding making my own ISO files from my games so I can use them in Chankast since you can't use the original disks. Can it be done? If so, is it possible to get a link on a tutorial or some insight on how it can be done? I'm new to the console ISO scene :paperbag: so any help would be greatly appreciated. :happy:

Mods: If this post is uncool with the rules here, I apologize and feel free to delete


New member
im pretty much a newbie at DC emulation too.....
i always thought games were undumpable......(aren't they)
......and you need a coders cable or something to dump it directly from your DC onto your computer......
so if you dun have games.......you'll have to either get a cable....or download them illegally :p


New member
If you have DC game on CD then just make image file from it...
But if you have game on GD then you need dump it from DC to PC...
