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Games framerate smoother than on real hardware ?


New member
I don't know if this is correct but how I see it is this:

Most N64 games run at 30fps max. On the N64 a large number of games push the system too hard (not sure the cause) and end up dropping frames. So on the N64 you get some games running at 26/30fps yet on the PC the emulation of the N64 is not 100% exact so a steady 30fps (60 fields a second) is possible. Many N64 games didn't seem slow (except in parts where they dropped to 5fps) but playing them now compared to modern games you can really see the slow framerate. I'm not sure about Quake 2 running at 60fps but I do know they used a lot of coloured lighting in that game so maybe Quake 2 rarely hit the 30fps mark on the real system. I've never played Quake 2 on the N64 so I'm not sure. I do know that Perfect Dark runs very smooth for me and amazingly more smooth than on the N64. Banjo Tooie is like this as well.

If I had to guess I would say that the games you have tried are either games that are already full speed on an N64 or your computer isn't fast enough to run the demanding games at faster than N64 frame rates.

There is one point of slow down I have noticed that is on both the emulator and the real system and that is the Banjo Kazooie intro where Gruntilda is flying her broom. Not sure what causes it.


No, that's actually not quite true. F-Zero, for example, runs at 60 fps. Although normally ntsc tvs output at 30 fps (60 Hz, or VI/s), and pal at 25 fps (50 Hz, or 50 VI/s).


New member
Actually I am quite happy with most of the games, and it's true, most of them do run slightly better on a good PC, even though at this stage of emulation gliches still appear in some games.And by the way my monitor refresh rate is 60 herz, and keeping it this way allows me to play mame games at an incredible smooth 60 fps framerate( you can tell because the whole screen scrolls evenly and fluid as much as your eyes can tell ) and also Quake 2 on PJ64 runs equally as smooth.
If I change the refresh rate sayng to 75 herz( which would be better for my eyes sake ) the afore mentioned games run still preatty smooth, but you can tell that refresh rate it's not exactly the same as it was ment to be,as the screen still scrolls and shows 60 fps, but your eyes can tell the movement is not as fluid as before.
As you can tell I am a maniac and anything less the perfect doesn't suit me enough...:)
