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Game Saving


New member
I've been trying to play Perfect Dark on Nemu 64, but it acts as if there isn't a game save file. This wouldn't be a huge problem, normally, I suppose, except you need to save your file onto the game before you can even play Perfect Dark. Whenever I try to save the game it says the the game pak memory is full. I could save the file onto a memory card, but unfortunately the memory cards don't really show up when playing Nemu 64 online, I suppose. Is there anything I could do so that I could either get the game saving to work, or to be able to use the memory packs when using netplay?


Beta Tester
Use my .ini file, you can find it in a thread in this forum, that will fix that issue

nevertheless, the gravity if fuxored, so you won't be able to do much
You do know how to make a savestate, right? That's the best way to save and the fastest
