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Dungeon siege - any good?


Okay, I'm sure there are a few guys here who played it!! I'm not sure whether it is worth it coz some guy told me that the first few hours are pretty cool but it gets fairly quickly BORING!@#@

so anybody can underline that aspect or is it worth to get hold of it??



New member
I've had the game since release, and have had a lot of fun with it. This game isn't like Baldurs Gate (or any other RPG) in many ways it is like a version of Diablo 2 which has been slowed down, and then party control added.

I haven't noticed any serious bugs with the game, although many people have. The only one that affects me is the game runs at around 20fps, when it should reach around 50. The reason for that being, it has issues with the NT line of OS's, such as Win2k, XP etc A patch is out within the next few days which should remedy this problem though.

Buy the game from a shop with a good returns policy, or if you have a fast connection download the demo of it, see what you think.


PJ64 Lubba
it depends on how you like your games. I think what that guy meant was that there is not a lot of variety of gameplay in that game. it is almost pure hack and slash (+archer, +mage...u know the standard rpg classes). The game is beautiful, and its quite addicting managing your party equipment and stats(this is the cool part, your characters have skills and therefore classes depending on what they use). I havent finished it, but ive heard that its around 80 hours long. im in the third dungeon and im not bored yet. :)


PJ64 Lubba
o ya, u could try the demo @ dungeonsiege.com it lets u play the first dungeon. however in that demo, u only get 1 person, u dont get the joy of commanding a band of warriors/archers/mages.


Active member
Dungeon Siege was fun...for a while. The story line isn't interesting at all which pretty much kills the game. It's got excellent graphics, although slow as Trotterwatch is saying. I haven't played this in Multiplayer and it's very possible that I have missed something cool.

Anyway, it's a great game but as I said I got bored of slashing and slashing only after a while. If this is your kind of game, however, buy it.

I'm on chapter 9 now, but haven't played it in weeks.
