What's new

Dualis Release 16 Released


Category: <b>Nintendo DS</b><br><br>
Two are better than one.

This release features the addition of the second CPU (ARM7TDMI). Touchscreen access is still faked in the same manner as in earlier versions, and not all parts of ARM7 memory are handled correctly yet.
Note that earlier versions of the plugins are more or less incompatible with this version.

CPU: Added emulation of the ARM7TDMI
GPU: Modified the hblank/vblank code to handle both processors
MMU: Added the ARM7TDMI memory space (incomplete)
MMU: Added some support for the WRAM control register
GUI: The disassembler can now be used for both processors
GUI: The disassembler now shows the CPSR mode bits
GUI: Fixed overwriting of program code for programs loaded at 0x02000000

:: Dualis Official Site
:: Dualis Release 16
