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DSP Emulator 0.11b1 WIP 07/03


DCEmu Webmaster
Category: <b>Spectrum</b><br><br>News via AEP

A new version of DSP Emulator has been released. DSP emulates ZX SPECTRUM +3, ZX Spectrum 128, ZX Spectrum 48, Arcade, Amstrad CPC 464, NES and Game Boy.

What´s New!!! DSP Emulator

DSP 0.11b1 WIP 03/07/11
+ Lazarus [leniad]
- Added Coleco console. For now you can not save snapshots.
- Added GameBoy console.
+ M6809 CPU [leniad]
- Core Optimized, more speed.
- Fixed DAA opcode
+ M680X CPU [leniad]
- HD63701: Added OCI timer and especific opcodes
- Added more opcodes
- Fixed many bugs
+ HD6309 CPU: Core Optimized, more speed [leniad]
+ Namco Sound: Added CUS30 chip, digital audio missing. [leniad]
+ MCS51: New CPU, includes i8751 [leniad]
+ Controls: Reviewed the engine, improved joystick control [leniad]
+ GFX: Some fix in scroll [leniad]
-Spectrum [leniad]
+BUG: Fixed mouse use
-Black Tiger [leniad]
+ENHANCE: Added i8751 MCU, removed protection patches
-Breakthru Hardware [leniad]
+BUG: Fixed ROMs loading
-Legend of Kage [leniad]
+BUG: Fixed graphical errors
-CPS1 [leniad]
+BUG: Fixed sprites priorities over the layer of tiles of 32x32 (most obvious in "Captain Commando")
-Sky Kid [leniad]
+Added driver with sound
-Namco System 86 [leniad]
-Rolling Thunder: Added driver with sound
-Hopping Mappy: Added driver with sound
-Sky Kid Deluxe: Added driver with sound
-Roc´n Rope [leniad]
+Added driver with sound
-Repulse [leniad]
+Added driver with sound
-The NewZealand Story Hardware [leniad]
+The NewZealand Story: Added driver with sound
+Insector X: Added driver with sound
-Pacland [leniad]
+Added driver with sound

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