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donkey kong64 crack???


New member

You may know the main issues with dk64 are the save and the unplayable barrel blast mini game.A spanish guy made Jet force gemini playable a few weeks ago with the dextrose ips crack. I got excited on the achivements and tried the similiar crack available for dk64- no success. The emulation simply crashes.I combined the settings in many ways but not succedded. I'm sure the emulator is reponsible for this, as 1964 runs the cracked version.

N64 fans, i ask you to conduct experiments with the dextrose cracks, hopefully someone find the right settings or the trick i didnt find.Anyone who have earier experience with the cracks write it up!

DK64 Crazy Aztec save state is still available via e-mail: [email protected] This save state concentrates on the barrel blast mini game problem.


Emutalk Member
the problem with JFG was always assumed to be copy protection, AFAIK DK64 is a timing problem specific to PJ64 and a solution to this is to raise the CF, as explained in PJgameFAQ.


New member
I have tried cf4 setting a million times months ago-no progress.
The dextrose crack i mentioned is ment to fix the memory card save issue (crack+save fix) , and the crack made not for emulators but for those clever, made in HOng Kong 32 mbit rom dump gadgets , that why i'm sure dk64 is copy protected.

Is there anyone in the forum who used this mysterius pirate hardware? I think it's an interface between the pc and a real n64 console, you keep roms on cd-s... well i know very few about it.

I repeat myself: the save and barrel mini game problems was also reported under 1964emu.
