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Dolphin Final Problems


New member
I use Dolphin Final to play Kirby air ride,
But it doesn't run smoothly,
I can't even play it.
Please HELP!:(


Sony battery
A guy had a similar question only a few days ago, so I wrote up a short tutorial on how to get your computer running Gamecube games. I don't want to clutter yet another thread with it, so here's a link.

Mouser X

New member
Toasty said:
A guy had a similar question only a few days ago, so I wrote up a short tutorial on how to get your computer running Gamecube games. I don't want to clutter yet another thread with it, so here's a link.
I must concur, that's also a good way to get it working smoothly. Though, my personal preferance is this method. Both work pretty good though. Mouser X out.


New member
Thanks for reply!
Your methods are good but I don't know if it worth to spend a hunderd $ for only playing Kirby air ride.
And so, I choose a Gamecube simulator to play.
When I play it, its fps is only 5 point something.
I can't buy a Gamecube but I think I could add things on my computer.
I don't know the problem are come from my game file or the simulator.
I hope there are more methods to help it. :)


New member
yesshare said:
I don't know if it worth to spend a hunderd $ for only playing Kirby air ride. I can't buy a Gamecube but I think I could add things on my computer.
It'd be cheaper to buy the Gamecube.


Sony battery
You could easily spend $1K or two either upgrading your computer or getting a new one that would play Gamecube games with bugs at 6-7 FPS (one tenth realtime), or buy a Gamecube for $100 and play them in realtime with no bugs whatsoever. Your choice.


New member
I search for the gamecube and I found that it's only HKD $220,
but can I put the gcm file that was in my PC into a disc
and use it to play in the gamecube? :)

Mouser X

New member
In short, no. A much lengthier discussion would provide a "yes," but then I'd most likely get banned from emutalk, and I don't want that to happen. So, basically, no, not easily. Mouser X out.


New member
If I buy a Gmaecube, I'm afraid that there are not many games for it.
Will Gamecube produce more game?


New member
Is there any method to make the fps to higher number without adding hardware on it, adding software is OK. :)

Mouser X

New member
The answer is a big NO on that one. The fps you see is the fps you get. You *might* be able to squeeze 1 or 2 more fps out, but is that really going to make a big difference? Not really.

As for the "lack" of games on the Gamecube, I don't know what you're talking about. It's got tons of great games. Starfox: Assault; Metroid Prime (1&2); Tales of Symphonia (which is also on the PS2 in Japan); Beyond Good and Evil (which is on all 3 systems); Zelda9: The Wind Waker; Phantasy Star Online 1&2 (which is also on the Dreamcast and Xbox); Skies of Arcadia (also on Dreamcast); F-Zero GX; Super Smash Brothers: Melee; Mario Kart: Double Dash; and ect. There's tons of great games. Certainly enough to make buying a Gamecube worth the expense. But no, chances are slim that many more games will be made of the Gamecube. Though, Zelda12: Twilight Princess is coming out this fall for the Gamecube, so there is that as well. On the other hand, you might be better off waiting for the Revolution (renamed "Wii") to come out. It's backwards compatible to all of Nintendo's previous systems (via the virtual console and downloads), including the Gamecube (via the actual disks themselves). And, chances are pretty good that it's only going to be about twice the price of the Gamecube (In the U.S.A., the GC is $100.00). Look up the features of the Revolution. So far as I know, everyone that has actually used the controller has only had positive comments to say about it. Not a single person has said that they didn't like it (there were nuetral comments, but no bad ones). There's even some people who trash-talked the system (basically said it was garbage), and once they got their hands on it, they changed their minds. I don't know about you, but for me, that says something about the system. Even those who hate it like it, once they tried it out (or, at least didn't hate it anymore). So, it might be wise to simply wait for that.

Of course, when it comes out, chances are pretty good that you'll be able to find a Gamecube for dirt cheap. People will almost certainly be selling them off, since the new system can play their old GC games. Hopefully I provided some useful and helpful information to you. Also, I'm sorry if I provided to much information... Sorry for the long read. Mouser X over and out.


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
yesshare said:
I want to ask if you look at
and click on game list,
I found that Kirby Air ride is "ingame",
But what is that mean?
It means that the game works to the point where in can play it (in-game). This doesn't mean that it's glitch-free though.
