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New member
does banjo tooie laging on your system if no than what are your PC specs. couse I got 1.2 GHz, NVIDIA GeForce4, 512 Ram and this game still laging on my PC.


I would think it shouldn't run too badly, what plugins are you using, rom name,.. etc?
*Could be your processor... do you have a P4 by chance?*


New member
What do mean by "lagging?" It's well known that there are timing issues with BK and BT, and said issues cause the video to be less than smooth.


New member
the plagins are what given in project64 1.5, and lagging I mean is that the camera in BT is not going smouthly, and 1964 is way m utch worth than project64. so dose BT workes fine on yours systems?


New member
It works fine for me, other than the jerky framerate, which as I said is a known issue with PJ64.


Allnatural said:
What do mean by "lagging?" It's well known that there are timing issues with BK and BT, and said issues cause the video to be less than smooth.

lagging is when the game is way behind where its suppost to be, say when u play Unreal 2003 and the game stops for about 3 secs, thats lagging, its bloody annoying :p



New member
PJ64 was actually as far as I know slightly more optimised for SSE (at least Jabos plugin was). SSE, is usable by P3, P4 and the latter Athlons (not the Thunderbird). I believe there was also some support for MMX and 3Dnow also... (not sure about that though).

The P4 works fine for N64 Emulation, and isn't quite as slow as some would try to make out. I am actually using a 2ghz P4 at the moment - and it runs everything that is compatable at extremely high speeds (obviously roms with known issues are still slow).

The only P4s that would work slow are the older 1.4ghz and below variety.


yea, at my college the PCs there are 1.5ghz P4's with 512 RAM and perform very well, applications loads instantly, Athlons are better though cuz they are cheaper and a 1ghz athlon out performs a 1 ghz P4. i think the best advantage of p4s are the cool heat of the procecor



New member
Yeah clock for clock the P4 does less FPU work, and cost wise it's more expensive, but still by no means a bad CPU. This one I am using at the moment, is not only fast, but it is incredibly quiet also (it only needs a slow-ish fan 3000rpm, compared to my Athlons 5500 one, yet the CPU is as cool as can be).


New member
1st of all I have AMD and the funnyest thing that game mafia freecing slow, and no one lives for ever 2 too but alitle bit better than mafia !!!!:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:


New member
Sounds like you have a system problem if NOLF 2 is slow... Mafia I can see if you set the grfx levels to high, but nolf2 runs smooth as anything. Do a test - run 3DMark 2001 (www.madonion.com), then compare your score with others through the online result browser. Thats a place to start, anyway.

Edit: some people need to leern too speel. :innocent:
