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Date error won't let me play games


New member
I was playing on my Chankast just fine about an hour ago. Then, when I exited out, and started it again, no matter what game I load, it keeps asking me to set the date, rather than loading the game. It asks once, then once again after I press A. Then it loads as if it didn't have a game in the CD, with the four options to choose from (Memory Card, Play Game, ect). I choose Play Game, and it just repeats the cycle without having loaded the game. This seems to only be happening on ChankastAlpha025, but the older versions of Chankast crash the game I play. I tried downloading another .rar of ChankastAlpha025, and trying that, but the same problem occurs. I've tried everything I know how to do. Can anyone help me? I'd really appreciate it, thanks.

General Plot

Britchie Crazy
You're BIOS files somehow got corrupterd, replace the flash and bin files in the 0.25 folder with a working set. Make sure to keep a backup of a good, uncorrupted set in case it happens again.


Just Another Wacko ;)
Yes, write-protecting "works" but doesn't let you change any settings (ex: language).
Why some people think that their problem is so unique? There are stickies and a huge number of threads that have answers to almost all the problems. It's better to use the search button in order to find a solution fast instead of posting the problem and waiting in order to get an answer that may not be helpfull.


I see... didn't know of anything that actually changed the bios. I suppose it constantly gets modified as time an date changed? On a side note, the date/time isn't really necessary. Well... hmmm... hmmmn... ah well...


Just Another Wacko ;)
Some games and any changed bios settings modify the Dreamcast flash memory. I personaly think that the "dc_flash.bin" corruption syndrome is a bug that has to do with the way chankast handles that file (due to the constant hour/date change?).
The truth is the emulator does generate a "dc_flash.bin" file automaticaly and boots but the file is always corrupted (actually the file is always sort of empty!).
Maybe the file should be created automaticaly in conjuction with the bios... It's the only logical explaination since when there is something wrong on real hardware the bios settings reset to their default values (the flash memory is "reprogrammed" somehow) :\
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New member
I see, thanks for the help. Posting on forums has sort of become habitual for me. I'll try searching next time.
