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Daedalus PSP r3 (Nintendo 64 Emulator for the PSP)


DCEmu Webmaster
Category: <b>PSP</b><br><br>StrmnNrmn has just posted this news:


<blockquote>Hi folks,

Here's the update list:

[+] Added support for streaming in large roms on demand.
[+] Various combiner (graphics) fixes.
[!] Fixed 120K wasted memory.
[~] Minor cosmetic (debug output) tweaks.
[~] Stopped debug output obscuring screenshots.
The first change is a huge deal Basically it means that Daedalus PSP can now boot large roms (i.e. those larger than 8MB). That doesn't mean to say that it will be able to run them, but there are certainly now significantly more roms which the emulator can boot.

Sadly neither of these get much further for me

Thanks to everyone who's been dropping me emails - I've been kind of deluged so it's been difficult for me to get through them (especially when I've been trying to fix bugs at the same time ) Apologies if you've emailed me and I've not got back to you.

StrmnNrmn </blockquote>

Download at the release thread here --> http://www.emutalk.net/showthread.php?t=34897&page=4
