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control adjustments


New member
okay so im playing the ocarina of time on project 64 and im stuck because when i move the "joystick" it moves like a set distance no matter how short of a keystroke so i cant hit a target with the hookshot cause it either points below or above it. cant actually point at it no matter where im standing. so is there a way to make it move like the real game? like a short tap of the key should move it a very small amount instead of a larger distance like it is to me. i hope this makes sense but i need help.. i cant get any farther in the game becasue of this so any help would be awesome!


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
You really should get a gamepad with a decent analog stick. The vast majority of N64 games weren't designed to be played with the keyboard. Anyway, youshould try fiddling with the stick sensitivity and/or deadzone settings.


New member
Or use the mouse.
The N-rage plugin is good - for instance, you can set a modifier on it so that when you press up-C it toggles the analogue sensitivity, so that it autmoatically matches low sensitivity to first-person mode. Or something more creative ;)
