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Conkers And S.Mario64 Problem


New member
If any of you have played these games, u know there involves spinning the analog stick at one point.(same for many other games) and since there is know way to press up,right,down,left, fast enough, is there any other way without spending money to fix this little pickle?


At your service, dood!
Mario 64 doesn't require an analog controller at all btw, however conker does for the final boss.


New member
how do I use the mouse
Edit-I just noticed this is the nemu forum, im playing conkers on pj64 -.-, can someone move this or soething


When configuring the analog stick, simply push the mouse in the correct direction to what you're configuring. Ie, if you're setting "up," then push it forward. Works with n-rage. Haven't tried with jabo's, though.
